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正在播放:《5a Lesson 14》【杨明佳】(成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛)
  • 视频分类:初中英语
  • 推荐星级:
  • 作者/执教老师:杨明佳
  • 发布时间:2015-07-23 00:05:21
  • 点击次数:2711
  • 顶/踩次数:13/0
  • 相关文件(配套课件、教案、素材等)下载列表:
    Time Teacher
    What is the Christmas day?
    Why do people celebrate Christmas day?
    Shows pictures of Father Christmas, trees, stocking etc
    Ask SS what people eat, and what they do
    competition about the story, show the pictures from the book
    When did the story happen?
    Who are in the story?
    What did they do?
    Mom and Dad
    Their friends
    Father Christmas 
    Were all the people happy all the time?
    How did they feel at first when they arrived the place where they found Father Christmas. 
    Why did they feel disappointed.
    How did they feel when they see Father Christmas.
    How did Dad feel at first? 
    Why did Dad’s feeling change?
    Ask ss to work in groups and find our the children’s changes. 
    shows a table or chart, with sentences describing each of the children’s action and with blanks for students to fill in. 
    T asks SS why the children change? Ask SS to discuss in groups. 
    ask students to divide the story into there parts
    Plays two different audios from students, one reads in a flat way, and one reads with passion and emotions. Ask students which one is better.
    Ask students to pick the numbers and each number matches one picture hidden behind the numbers.
    Ask what can children do to help their parents.
    What we can do in our life to help others?

        本视频的标题是:《5a Lesson 14》【杨明佳】(成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛),执教老师/专家:杨明佳,所属科目:初中英语,视频时长:41:15,所属专辑:成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛获奖课例选集。
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