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正在播放:《7-2Noisy Neighbors 2015》【吴瑕】(成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛)
  • 视频分类:初中英语
  • 推荐星级:
  • 作者/执教老师:吴瑕
  • 发布时间:2015-07-23 00:05:29
  • 点击次数:2810
  • 顶/踩次数:17/0
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    Time Teachers

    Ask students if they read the book and say the title loudly.
    Is it a funny story or sad story?
    What is this story about?
    Who, where?
    What’s the main idea?

    How many characters?
    Ask students to read aloud titles of each chapters.
    Ask them to divide the story into three parts

    Intro, development, end

    ask another student to answer why they divide the chapters in this way.

    ask the student to name the three parts,
    Mr. Flinch has a problem.
    Mr. Flinch tries to solve the problem.
    The problem is still there.

    What is in part I

    who/what do we meet?
    main character?
    How the write describe Mr.Flinch and his neighbors  

    If you were the main charters, how will you introduce yourself. 

    ask students to follow her to read aloud certain words

    Teacher writes a few key words

    What are the relationship of the characters?
    Are they happy?

    She keeps talking and tries to tell the students what to look for.

    Mr. Flinch is not happy because he has two noisy neighbors.

    Ask students to find out how noisy the two neighbors are, and tell the students what pages they are.

    What is Mr. Flinch’s life like?

    How does Mr. Flinch deal with the problem?
    What is his first try?
    Ask four students to perform how Mr. Flinch tries to frighten his neighbors. 

    Ts ask students what they think of students’ performance.
    Ts give gifts to every students, and says the students would be better without a book

    Ts asks if first try works, and ask the students to read aloud chapter three, which is about the second try.

    Ts asks students to practice more.

    What’s the one word to describe  his second try?

    T shows a short passage with blanks which describes the ending of the story.

    Why did Mr. Flinch always fail?
    Do you feel sorry for him?

    If you meet noisy neighbors, how will you solve the problem? What will you do to help Mr. Flinch?
    Ask the students to work in groups to find out answers 


        本视频的标题是:《7-2Noisy Neighbors 2015》【吴瑕】(成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛),执教老师/专家:吴瑕,所属科目:初中英语,视频时长:43:34,所属专辑:成都市2015年初中英语教师《典范英语》授课大赛获奖课例选集。
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